PICkit 2 not found

Hi - I need some help please. I have installed the software on my W8.1 64-bit PC.
Open the programmer software V2.61.00 and it does not find the EDU10.
The power LED has lit up.
None of the buttons do anything.

Have you tested the EDU10 in other PC or only with this one with Windows 8.1?

You may first check the driver is installed OK.
In the Device Manager look under Human Interface Devices.
Then connect the EDU10 to the PC.
Do there in the Device Manager appear one “HID-compliant vendor-defined device”
and one “USB Input Device” added?

Yes when I plug the EDU10 in I gain an extra “HID-compliant vendor-defined device”
and one “USB Input Device” is added.
Also the computer makes a sound and the first time it told me it was installing USB for EDU10.

With just the usb powering the EDU10 should the demo program run?
ie when you press a button it does something?
Mine does nothing!

The driver seems to be OK.
Strange why the PICkit 2 v2.61 is not working…

[quote]With just the usb powering the EDU10 should the demo program run?[/quote]No. You have to turn the VDD on using the PC software.
Alternatively you may connect the PIC VDD supply to J5.
Second alternative is to add the +5V USB jumper.
Be careful! - After doing this, you can only use 5V PIC microcontrollers.

If I link the 5V then the LED lights but that’s all that happens still the buttons do nothing.
Might there be a fault?

Please check the IC1 (PIC16F882) is not in reset.
The pin 1 of IC1 should be ‘high’, about +5V.

[quote=“VEL255”]Please check the IC1 (PIC16F882) is not in reset.
The pin 1 of IC1 should be ‘high’, about +5V.[/quote]

evertdhlr member.
I have the same problem, but the unit was working then i did some thing wrong
and now it has this problem.
I think the operating system in the pic 18f2550-1/so is corrupted or deleted.
I can nowhere find the operating system code and how to fix this problem.
j.e.den held le roy. eng.dip.

Here you can download the firmware:
microchip.com/pagehandler/en … s/mplabxc/
Scroll down and click the tab “Downloads Archive”.
Then scroll down and locate “PICkit 2 Device Firmware v2.32”.

I think the operating system in the pic 18f2550-1/so is corrupted or deleted.
I can nowhere find the operating system code and how to fix this problem.???


Here is the direct link to download the firmware: ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/D … 023200.zip