Pic k8048 no pic on board pic type mismatch


Hoping someone can help?

I have put the above kit together. And am having troubles programming the PIC included with the program.

When trying to bulk erase or write/read data to the PIC it give the above error message.

I have double checked wired cable, in fact I have two nither work, the K8048 kit is reconized through PICProg as indicated in the status box in the bottom left when COM1 is selected.

Could the PIC be damaged in any way?

I have tried both XP and 2K. but to no avail.

I am really keen to start programming but can’t do anything with the kit, can anyone shed anylight on the issue.

I have searched the forum and tried the various suggestions.

Thanks in advance


  • Is it a new (never programmed before) PIC that gives the error?

  • Did you check the RS232 connector on the board? In some cases the connector does not fit very well (the connector on the K8048 board sits too far from the edge), resulting in some problems.

Yes virgin PIC.

Cable has been double and triple checked against previous posts listing.

Hi, please have also a look into:
[url]K8048 Error message "NO PIC ON BOARD, PROGRAMMER MUST]


I had loads of these errors until I set the hardware delay to 4 instead of 1.

PicProg2006 -> Function -> Hardware Configuration -> adjust slider until it works.

Brought a pre-made cable and programming works a treat?

I triple checked the wiring, even tried a few different versions!

Cable I used was factory made.
I can use any cable I have (homemade/second hand/you name it) after I set that setting in the software.

Seems like PICPROG2 has similar setting under Options -> Speed.
Try experimenting with setting Low as my problem was too fast communication.

I’m having the same problem, and haven’t been able to find a solution searching thees forums - I tried setting the speed to all of the possible settings but to no avail; ProgPic2 insists that there is no pic on board, or that the switch is not set to ggm mode, or the pic type is mismatched with the software.

The switch is definately in pgm mode - I have a blinking red light and there is about 4V across the power pins of the pic, which is labeled as a PIC16F627.

The wierd thing is, if I select some of the other Controllers in ProgPic2, for example PIC16C84, it actually tries to read or write from the pic, but fails at adr: 0000. Is this expected?

Does anyone have any other ideas what I can try?