Pic in programmer does not match vm111

hi all

I have bought ten days ago a VM111 and I have the next problem. When I try to load a hex file I receive the message “pic in the programmer does not match with the one selected”. If I ignore the message and I try to program the pic I have error programing the pic

I am using the cable of the kit and a 15V power supply. The pic is the 16F627 inserted already with the kit (I have checked that is properly fitted). I have tried to select both 16F627 and 16F627A

By the way. Is there some COM settings recomended ( I mean : baud rate etc…)?

best regards

Because the card doesn’t use the serial protocol, the COM port setting is not important.
You must be sure that the COM port is native (internal not with a USB controller)
We can always test the card if you want, so you are sure that card is working correct.