PCSU1000: upgrades foreseen?


Are there upgrade schemes foreseen for the PCSU1000 software?

If so, what’s the scheme?

Best rgds,


At the moment no upgrades are planned.

All suggestions to improve the software are welcome.


One of the suggestions could be to have an I2C analyser function available.

With this, I mean when you have an I2C plot, the scope scans the result and prints the hex representation of the bit stream measured.

Also, it could be very interesting to have a trigger possibility on a certain I2C address or data (one or more bytes) passing along the I2C bus. This feature is more and more available on “expensive” DSO’s, like the Agilent ones…

Would be nice if one could do this him/herself, using the DLL provided with the package. It’s nice to have such DLL, but to me it’s quite limited…

Another improvement could be that you can save the images not only in the BMP format, but also into other formats, like for instance the more and more accepted standard format PNG.

If other ideas pop up, I’ll write them down on the forum.

Or is there a special section somewhere on the site where all those ideas can be collected?

Best rgds,


This I2C analyser function is rather specific one. Anyhow, there seems to be this kind of functionality available for some oscilloscopes.

One solution may be to use the DSOLink.DLL and import the I2C waveform data from the oscilloscope to your own application software or to MS Excel and doing the conversion to the data format there.

The use of the DSOLink.DLL is quite straightforward. There are example programmes for Visual Basic and Delphi available in the dso_link.zip package.

Indeed, lossless PNG file format should be nice to have too. Now we are using only uncompressed BMP format.

This forum is the right place to give your software hints.

Let me add another possible improvement: currently it is possible to select only two screen sizes - normal and big, neither of which suits my taste. It would be nice to have an ability to resize either base window or “Big Screen” window and have the screen resized accordingly.

Thank you for this suggestion.
For the moment everything in the screen window is quite fixed in the software. There is no simle way to modify it to be resizeable.
I think that in some future version of the software may be added third screen mode that can be resized.

The following software modifications are done:

  • PNG image file format added.
  • Menu option “Save/Recall Last Settings” added to the Options menu.
  • CPU usage in Run mode reduced.
  • The vertical position of the waveform can be changed after the signal acquisition.

You can download the updated version 2.04 of the PCLAB2000SE from: velleman.be/be/en/download/files/