PCSU1000 seems to be dead

I have my PCSU1000 that doesn’t react anymore and I am wondering whether I need to buy a new one or first investigate some hardware aspects.

What I have noticed:

  • the LED in the front doesn’t light anymore
  • when connected to the PC, the PC reacts, i.e. the PC sees that a USB device is connected.
  • when started the PcLab2000SE (latest version) sees no hardware and goes n demo mode.

Does anyone have some hint to me, i.e. what to check, before pure replacement?

Many thanks in advance.

You may first check the USB driver is installed and working OK.
In the Device Manager under Universal Serial Bus controllers double click PCSU1000_Oscilloscope.
Under Driver tab check the driver version is
Under Details tab select Property: hardware Ids.
There should be seen:

You may use USBView to check more details.
Also you may use FTProg.exe and MProg.exe from FTDI to check and to re-program the PCSU1000’s EEPROM if corrupted.

You’ll find the utilities software here: ftdichip.com/Support/Utilities.htm

Please see this thread p.2 for more details.
Here are more info:

You may also try following:
Uninstall (remove) the PCSU1000 driver.
Then unplug and plug the USB cable and install the driver.


First of all, many thanks. I did recover my PCSU1000 and I am very happy.

I did check everything (with FTDI tools) as you proposed but didn’t change anything.

I reinstalled again PcLAb2000SE application and driver including the CP210x_VCP_Win2K_XP_S2K3 driver.

Then everything’s up and running.

Once again, many thanks.