PCSU1000 + PCGU1000 Driver Issue


Until today my PCSU1000 and PCGU1000 have been working fine on my Win 7 64-bit laptop with PcLab 4.05

However, when starting PcLab today I get the message:

Could not open the DriverLINX driver
Please run INSTALL_DRV.EXE to install the driver
Function generator PCG10/K8016 is not functioning

When I click OK on this message I get the message:

Other PCSU1000 software may be active
Simulateneous use will cause problems
Run anyway?

Answering either yes or no causes PcLab to freeze and it cannot be closed even by ending the process in the task manager. It doesn’t cause the whole computer to freeze but the non-responding PcLab only disappears when the computer is shut down.

I have reviewed similar threads on the forums relating to driver issues but my issue seems to be subtlely different hence the new topic.

I have tried the following without success:

  1. Unplugging and reconnecting one or both of the PCSU1000 and PCGU1000.
  2. Selecting only PCSU1000, only PCGU1000 or both in PcLab
  3. Checked both devices in device manager. Both say they are working properly.
  4. Re-installing the drivers (I am using the latest ones from the Velleman website). Windows says drivers are already up-to-date.

I have not tried a complete unistall re-install of PcLab and drivers because I want to avoid that if possible.

I have not tried editing the registry key as described at the top of this thread (forum.velleman.eu/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3424) because there is a Velleman Support answer which seems to suggest this fix doesn’t work on Win7 64bit systems “Sorry to say - The driver DriverLINX is not digitally signed. It doesn’t run on 64-bit operating systems. Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:13 pm” although I may have misunderstood this.

Should I try the registry edit in the above link?

PcLab and the PCSU1000 and PCGU1000 have been working really well so to hit this problem today is really concerning.

Any help would be much appreciated so I can get up and running again.

If you need any further information then please let me know.

You may try following:
Delete the file WinDSO.ini located in the folder:
C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Velleman\PCLab2000SE
Then run the PcLab2000SE.
Select only PCSU1000 and PCGU1000.

[quote]I have not tried editing the registry key as described at the top of this thread (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3424) because there is a Velleman Support answer which seems to suggest this fix doesn’t work on Win7 64bit systems “Sorry to say - The driver DriverLINX is not digitally signed. It doesn’t run on 64-bit operating systems. Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:13 pm” although I may have misunderstood this.[/quote][quote]Should I try the registry edit in the above link?[/quote]Please No.

Thanks for your quick response!

I have deleted the WinDso.ini file and started PcLab with PCSU1000 and PCGU1000 only. Unfortunately this has not solved the problem. I get the message below.

Other PCSU1000 software may be active
Simulateneous use will cause problems
Run anyway?

If I answer ‘Yes’ then PcLab becomes non-responsive as before (even though there is only one instance of PcLab running).

*** NEW Information ***

When attempting to close PcLab after it becomes non-responsive, a dialogue box appears saying PCGU1000.exe is not working properly. This seems to tie the problem down to the PCGU1000 rather than the scope. This is strange because it was workin fine up to 2 days ago and also shows as working properly in Device Manager.

Maybe the program is corrupted.
Please uninstall the PcLab2000SE.
After uninstall, please delete all the remaining files in the folders:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Velleman\PCLab2000SE
C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Velleman\PCLab2000SE
When done, reinstall the PcLab2000SE.


I tried uninstall and re-install but it hasn’t fixed the problem. I selected PCSU1000 and PCGU1000 from the PcLab start-up screen. When the scope starts up it says ‘Loading Please Wait …’ and never gets any further. If I attempt to close the program I get the message ‘PCSU1000GU.exe is not responding’.

This may be some sort of driver problem.
Please remove the PCSU1000 driver and then install it again.


Just remove the driver using Device Manager > Uninstall Driver ?

Yes, and select the check box “Delete the driver software for this device”.

Then unplug and plug the PCSU1000 and install the driver.

Everything is fixed. Thank you for the support and quick responses.

For reference I did a complete un-install of everything including PcLab, Drivers, Folders. Then a complete re-install.

Thanks again for your help!

Thank you for the reply.
Very good news indeed!