PCSGU250 with VBA or Excel possible?

I have a question about the PCSGU250 and the PC-LAB2000.
Is it possible to use the PCSGU250 with the PC-LAB2000lt and connect to Visual Basic or to Excel?
I saw bei the PCSG1000 that are a connection is possible with Visual Basic and Excel.

I think normaliy it must be possible. All data are in the PC and then I think it is possible to use the VB makros or the Excel Makros.
If you have more question, please ask me.
Thank you for your help

Yes, it is possible to get the data to Visual Basic or to Excel.
In the PcLab2000LT select Help / Oscilloscope Help menu item.
There you’ll find the following topics including instructions and examples:
“Data acquisition to Microsoft Excel”
“Data acquisition to other applications”

Thank you very much for your answer.
Wish you a nice weekend