Just pulled the trigger on a pcsgu250 - I’ve not had it delivered yet, but wrt the demo sw that I’ve dabbled with…
When you maximize the pcsgu250 window - the scope display remains the same size - can’t it be made ‘grow’ with the maximized window?
So ok, there’s a ‘big screen’ option, but that doesn’t have the channel options attached to it (Volts/div, time/div, DC, AC< Gnd etc), which means you’re gonna have to to the ‘between windows’ boogie.
A ‘between windows’ boogie is bad enough, but the layout of the ‘mother’ window is such that you can’t really have the mother window compressed to one side AND thereby still allowing visible access to all the needed buttons (time/div, volt/div etc) adjacent to the ‘big window’ (eg the time/div buttons are top right of the parent window, the volt/div are bottom left)
The the ‘big window’ isn’t strechable to allow making it even bigger? (therefore feels very DOS like!).
The waveform parameters view (freq, peak to peak etc)- it’d be nice to see such values on the main scope display trace (eg like how the existing VRMS is displayed)…else you end up with a lot of little windows to manipulate/view - all well & good if you have a massive display - but not many will have those in a workshop situation.
The grid brightness setup is a bit clunky - you have to find a colour that’s of the right brightness level to suit (yes I know the interface allows two differing levels, but nevertheless) …better to have a grid intensity slider?
My purchase was a straight shootout between the CircuitGear & the pcsgu250- but in the end what swayed me was the responsiveness of the developers here (specifically the bode plot thread), so I’m hoping that some of the niggles outlined above can be addressed?
Anyway…nice product & I look forward to being an active member contributing ideas towards enhancing.
PS why is it that only the lower bandwidth scopes have bode plotters?!! (I’d have rather purchased a higher bandwidth USB scope but was forced to go with lower bandwith becuase I really do need a bode plotter feature)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We really appreciate it. We’re taking all suggestions and ideas into consideration for improving the product and the software in future releases.
[quote]3. A ‘between windows’ boogie is bad enough, but the layout of the ‘mother’ window is such that you can’t really have the mother window compressed to one side AND thereby still allowing visible access to all the needed buttons (time/div, volt/div etc) adjacent to the ‘big window’ (eg the time/div buttons are top right of the parent window, the volt/div are bottom left)[/quote]The problem is that also the function generator controls should be visible.
Hint: You can use the shortcut Alt+B to toggle the big screen on and off.
[quote]5. The waveform parameters view (freq, peak to peak etc)- it’d be nice to see such values on the main scope display trace (eg like how the existing VRMS is displayed)…else you end up with a lot of little windows to manipulate/view - all well & good if you have a massive display - but not many will have those in a workshop situation.[/quote]You can get the waveform parameters on the screen too:
Right click on the screen.
Click “Get Waveform Parameters” button.
The selected waveform parameters are displayed on the screen.
Right click on the screen to position the text.
This option may be useful for documentation when the File menu option “Save Image” or “Save DSO Data” is used.
Also in the 60MHz (1GS/s) oscilloscope PCSU1000 is the bode plotter option. This option can be used together with the function generator PCGU1000.
The bode plotter works up to 5MHz. The sweep generator of the PCGU1000 works up to 25MHz.
Well it arrived today…it installed like a dream (top marks) & I’m Loving the overall response of the trace.
Thanks for your earlier reply …I’m relieved the waveform parameters can be shown onscreen, though it might be nice to have the option to have the text shortened for onscreen display- else it eats into the (alreadyahem, small!) display ‘real estate’. Also maybe the option to display the info horizontally …say CH1 at the top of the display & CH2 at the bottom of the display - it could perhaps be squeezed in ‘off the main display grid’ then?
It’d be very slick to have the waveform paramaters colour scheme reflect the trace colour (then it’s easy to see what data relates to which trace then - my previous USB scope does this…it’s just logical).
Re the bode plotter…more legends on the actual graph charts for the frequency/phase scale would be welcome!
Could you please clarify the Phase measurement…
…phase is a relationship thing, so just to confirm the reading seen in my screenshot - is that simply showing that CH1 is leading CH2 by 5.6% or CH2 is lagging CH1 by 5.6% (hence the same values but different ‘sign’)
PS - you might want to reconsider the ‘standing’ nature of the scope for your next version …the ‘upright’ stature doesn’t lend itself well to having cables plugged in & then having them tugged (topple) when the operator forgets how short the scope leads are (even with the stand) …better to have a squat low centre of gravity product …but that’s a minor gripe!
PPS I vow never to buy Chinese test equipment again - you’ve no idea what a relief it is to own a well supported product & have a responsive development team I can raise quickly - many thanks…I’m a very happy buyer.
Thanks again for your feedback.
It’s good to see you like the PCSGU250 oscilloscope !
The features you suggested will be taken in consideration to be added to the future updates.
[quote]It’d be very slick to have the waveform paramaters colour scheme reflect the trace colour (then it’s
easy to see what data relates to which trace then - my previous USB scope does this…it’s just
logical).[/quote]This is nice idea but I’m afraid this is a little difficult to implement at the moment.
Actually the text seen on the screen is a comment text. You may add there your own comments as well. The waveform parameters are just added to the comment text edit window.
When the “Get Waveform Parameters” button is pressed the edit window is cleared and the waveform data replaces all the text.
Tip: You can use Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts in the text edit window.
BTW: In the Bode plotter there is a similar option to add the comment text.
[quote]…phase is a relationship thing, so just to confirm the reading seen in my screenshot - is that simply showing that CH1 is leading CH2 by 5.6% or CH2 is lagging CH1 by 5.6% (hence the same values but different ‘sign’)[/quote]You are absolutely right. The phase measurement result is the phase of the current trace compared to the other one. In this screenshot the CH1 is leading CH2 by 5.6 degrees and CH2 is lagging CH1 by 5.6 degrees.
BTW: On the PCSGU250 downloads page there is now the latest PCSGU250 driver for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
I’m not at home now, but would just like to clarify what you’re saying. For example on this bode plot (phase & frequency), it’s not immediately clear which background chart line relates to what frequency/phase…
…so what I’m asking for is more visual info on the X & Y axis sidebar. Whilst it’s obvious he frequency plot above started at 100Hz & ended at 100khz…in my example above, it’s not easy to quickly visually what frequencies the vertical lines represent…eg say in the middle of the graph area. (also what’s the f:120Hz right in the centre of the X Axis refer to?)
Could the ‘0’ degree phase reference horizontal line on the chart be bolded or coloured? (to make it stand out more) …& whilst I can see that the text at the top of the window says that each vertical line represents 36 degrees…can’t this be added to the chart Y axis to make it a bit quicker to eastablish visually what we’re seeing?
More phase granularity on the grpah would be very welcome…for example if after carrying out a phase plot, the maximum phase change turned out to be 15%, then the graph rebasing to have 15%ft phase shift at the top of the graph would allow much more detail
(btw what’s the spec/error tolerance of your phase shift data?)
So back to your earlier comment at the top of the page, how in practise will adding “comment text” help?
Please don’t misconstrue my suggestions as being negative - I love the product …these are just initial feelings/thoughts from a new user!
You can use the markers to check the frequency and voltage (or dB level or difference) on the plot area.
[quote]also what’s the f:120Hz right in the centre of the X Axis refer to?[/quote]It refers to the dotted vertical line on the plot area. This line is the frequency marker to measure the frequency. You can move it with the mouse.
Also there is horizontal dotted line (marker) to check the voltage or the dB value on the screen.
To check the phase results you can select in the View menu the “Markers f & ph” to check the phase and frequency.
[quote]btw what’s the spec/error tolerance of your phase shift data?[/quote] The accuracy is depending on the signal quality. If there is noise the result may vary a little. With good signals the error is typically less than 0.2 degrees.
Please use the Options menu option “Frequency Step Size” to select smaller frequency step to get more detailed plot.
You may also use the option “Wait Time” to give some extra time for the system to stabilize after every frequency step.
[quote]So back to your earlier comment at the top of the page, how in practise will adding “comment text” help?[/quote]The comment text may be useful if you save the results as an image or as data.
In the comment you may describe the test setup etc…
Right click the plot area and add your comment to the edit window. Finally click “Add Text on Screen” button.
Right click the screen to position the comment text.
Now the PcLab2000LT is updated.
A check box “Show on Screen” is added to the Waveform Parameters window.
Select the check box to display the selected parameters on the oscilloscope screen.
Now the waveform parameters colour scheme reflect the trace colour.
You may minimize the Waveform Parameters window. The parameters displayed on the screen are still updated.
BTW: You have to resize the Waveform Parameters window.
The old size and position are remembered (in PCSGU250.ini).
If you delete the PCSGU250.ini file, then all the settings are set to default.
In Windows Vista the file is located in the folder: C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Velleman\PCSGU250
In the Bode plotter the ‘0’ degree phase reference horizontal line is emphasized when the phase plot is selected.
It looks like my reasoning for differentiating my latest USB scope product purchase between competing products having similar features based on the support I was seeing on this forum has been completely vindicated - MANY thanks for listening/reacting so quckly. It really does help folks decide one way or another when they see such great customer support.
I won’t be able to give the new version a run out for a night or two, but look forward to it.
Ok, managed to have a play - loving the ability to view wavefom data on the main display.
The emphasised 0 deg line for the phase plot is great too.
I checked the scope help files & can’t seem to find an answer - how do I set the scope up with my preferences then save these so they load next time? For example everytime I start the scope the DC buttons are enabled (I’d rather the AC buttons were).
Also would it be possible to have the ‘run’ status remembered upon exit - it’s only a small thing but all these small things add up to one megaoduct feelgoodfactor! (at the minute when starting the app, the scope does automatically engage ‘run’ status).
Finally, one last main plea (& this is where I came in with the firs post!)…if there’s one thing I urge you to look at long & hard towards enhancing your product, it’s the static small scopedisplay when enlarging the main scope application window…
[quote]I checked the scope help files & can’t seem to find an answer - how do I set the scope up with my preferences then save these so they load next time? For example everytime I start the scope the DC buttons are enabled (I’d rather the AC buttons were).[/quote]There in the Options menu is this: Save/Recall Last Oscilloscope Settings
Saves the oscilloscope settings at program exit and restores the settings when the program is next time run.
[quote]Also would it be possible to have the ‘run’ status remembered upon exit - it’s only a small thing but all these small things add up to one megaoduct feelgoodfactor! (at the minute when starting the app, the scope does automatically engage ‘run’ status).[/quote]At the moment the ‘Run’ button status is not remembered even if the ‘Save/Recall Last Oscilloscope Settings’ is checked…
I would like to add some comments based on my intial use of the PCSGU250.
Please add “BOTH” to trigger edge select option. Hopefully this is just a couple of lines in the FPGA tigger logic.
Please make Invert Channel 2. independent of the ‘math’ functions.
Have the volt/div text prefix with a minus sign to reminder user channel is inverted.
Please add independent Invert Channel 1.
There are lots of time where I am working in analog circuits where I wish I could just invert ch1 and move it over top chan two to see the difference visually, without having to change probes around.
Can we get a display of the pre and post trigger delay the slider produces?
Please add ‘ALT’ and “CHOP” to trigger options so that unit behaves more like a typical scope.
I find I use ‘alt’ quite a bit when working with biological signals.
Can the time/div be arranged by columns, instead of alternating? Its a PITA to step the timebase smoothy with the two columns.
Is variable timebase (user entered or slider) possible? What about delayed timebase with trigger, as on ‘real’ scopes?
Could you please add full start and end frequencies for Bode plotter?
With highly resonant circuits, the sweep range of interest can be quite small.
Would it be expecting too much to have the sweep progress bar actually MATCH the progress of the sweep?
Make it wider? Right now the progress indicator runs independantly of the actual sweeping.
Could we also get a ‘ping pong’ check box so that the sweep can be made to reverse (triangle instead of ramp).
When tracing high Q circuits, the retrace can cause a ‘shock’ in the response that is undesirable particularly at VLF frequencies (SIDs and other vlf cct’s) where it can take 10’s of seconds to recover.
[quote]Would it be expecting too much to have the sweep progress bar actually MATCH the progress of the sweep?
Make it wider? Right now the progress indicator runs independantly of the actual sweeping.[/quote]The problem is that there is no feedback from the generator in sweep mode. The generator just gets the start and stop frequency and the frequency increment from the PC. In the sweep mode the generator is completely self-contained.
[quote]Could we also get a ‘ping pong’ check box so that the sweep can be made to reverse (triangle instead of ramp).[/quote]In the PCSGU250 there is no down sweep option (due to the FPGA limitations).
The triangle sweep may be possible to add to the PCGU1000 only.
Hi All:
I’m new to this board, so let this serve as my humble introduction. I’m a consultant engineer in the Industrial Electronics business in Trinidad and Tobago (factory automation and control systems with some bio-medical stuff thrown-in).
Just when I thought I was entering semi-retirement and getting to play with my R/C helicopters and motorcycle more, the business has taken an unexpected upswing and I find that I need to upgrade my facilities some. That being the case, yesterday I got my brand new BK Precision 2540 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (replacing my Tektronix 5440) and I have on order from Jensen Tools, a JTK-87RIM toolkit. That said, I decided I would also like a capable scope to take with me in-field and something that would probably fit into the new tool-case (my Fluke 123 Scopemeter took a fatal dive last year), and since I always have my laptop computer with me on the job, it all looks very feasible. Some quick on-line research pointed me towards the PCSGU250 and from reading the posts and excellent comments and responses here, you’ve certainly got my attention.
Ok, so first order of business tomorrow, I intend to pull the trigger and order me one
Sorry to be so long-winded and looking forward to learning and contributing if and when i can.
Cheers, Cletus
[quote=“VEL255”]I hope you will be satisfied with the PCSGU250 !
Any suggestions are much appreciated.[/quote]
Just now reviewing the dimensions. hope it will fit in my new toolcase.