PCSGU250 Galvanic isolation of the power supply by USB

When I use the PCSGU250 with Laptop ( without power supply 220 VAC, only internal battery) then measure on original ADC is OK (0-0,2 DC Volts).

  • Original ADC - it’s device that is powered from 220 VAC
    *PCSGU250 is connected to original ADC (to analog signal) for check.

But when I connect Laptop to 220 VAC (power supply unit:220VAC/19VDC) then measure on original ADC is constant = 0.03 VDC Volt - is not correct, it does not change. Same situation with Desktop computers.

I need Galvanic isolation of the power supply by USB ? or What ?
What do you recommend for me ?

Thank you for help.

You may use an optically isolated USB HUB or maybe a wireless USB HUB.
Please see these threads for a solution: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6025