Having installed WIN2000 and willing to reinstall the soft for PCS64i, I can not use it. :x
Winso fg v123.zip has been uploaded and unziped, I also noticed that a file “install_drv” has to be run, but I don’t where to find it.
Actually, it’ impossible to get a continuous square wave (+/- 200KHz) on screen as I have seen on my previous WIN98 !!!
Do you have an idea to solve the problem ?
I am in a big hurry because I need to check several signals on my project.
Well received your answer about my former request.
Could find and install “install_drv.exe” but ‘scope-it’ is still not working.
Following your advice I could’nt find how to change the communication speed of LPT1(in configuration panel of WIN2000 !!!).
It seems to be not possible except if you have some hints to perform that setting.
I think it’s only with the software because I have recently tryed the scope with WIN98 and it’s “”" almost""" working good.
In example with WIN98, I can’nt figure succesfully the test square wave (contact avaible at the rear of the interface box).
I can see such of kind of square wave, zero volt is located at the zero volt line, rising and falling edges are clear, but the top line of the signal is totally incoherent !
Also, the check of the signal I have to monitor from my project, is quite impossible (always under WIN98) beside the fact I change quite a lot of settings.
You mentioned the “scope-it” program.
I think you are using the software from OMNIA & NEDON.
Are there similar problems with WinDSO_FG32.exe too?
It seems that you have a hardware problem in the oscilloscope or in the power adaptor (too much ripple voltage). Have you checked the power adaptor voltage?
In my WIN98, I work with the program of OMNIA & NEDON.
While attempting with WinDSO_FG32.exe, nothing is working.
The power supply is that one received with the original package
So I don’t suspect a problem on that side.
I never get the message “No hardware response” and as I work with my laptop, I don’t have just only one LPT !
And never got WinDSO_FG32.exe running correctly !
All what I can see is a kind of stupid wave, such as if I touch the probe with my finger :x
No zero volt line on the OV reference line of the screen and huge spikes going down under and above that zero volt line !
In brief : any thing but not the real wave form I hope to see.
Any actions on settings ( synchronize - timing - or others) can help me.
I remain you that I will run that scope with WIN2000 because I intend to skip out my old WIN98 !
It seems that there is some sort of data communication problem.
Also there may be hardware problem in the LPT interface section.
Please select in the WinDSO_FG32.exe the Options menu and there in the “Hardware Setup” at the bottom of the dialog (Communication Speed) click the radio button “Slow”.
Does it help?