PCS500 problem

I am a technical director the service company in Russia, we have in use 5 PCS500, in all through 2-4 days have changed fuzes on nominal value 2А, with three was a problem no response with PC , question is close reinstall Windows XP/
Victor :slight_smile:

What is the message on the screen when you try to run then PCS500 program?
If some of the scopes work in the same PC and some scopes are not working there is no need to reinstall anything. The problem is in the oscilloscope.

If you get “privileged instruction” error message, please see the solution in the thread: [forum.vellemanprojects.eu/t/k8000-invb6-privileged-instruction/224/1)

When start Pc_Lab2000se program is started, but appears the message Hardvare not response and is hereinafter indicated on absence of the answer from PCS500, is recommended check feeding and connection of the cable LPT port. Indeed problem in conflict driver printer SAMSUNG ML-2571 and driver PCS500 moreover uninstall printer drivers does not solve a problem. Search for in roll anything I not risk. If Your company will be able to do converter USB-LPT many users to Your product will You grateful.
Whats you name? my name is Victor.

Hello Victor. Sorry that I can’t solve the problem of the PCS500 you have.
Indeed, the USB to LPT converter for the old LPT connected products is a good idea but I think rather difficult to realize. Thanks for this idea.
We VEL??? are quite anonymous…

AS You will is pleased, dear VEL255.
Happy new year.

Today ceased to work one of PCS500 - a short circuit on -5V IC32 NE521D, interesting that given entry (the trigger of the start) in general was not used. I have in general deleted this IC, all rest while works.

Nice that you got one of the PCS500s working (sorry that only without the triggering).
Happy New Year!
…and success.