PCS500 Calibration trouble - Triggers failed


I have a problem with PCS500 calibration:
CH1 Trigger low
CH1 Trigger middle
CH1 Trigger high
CH2 Trigger low
CH2 Trigger middle
CH2 Trigger high
EXT Trigger middle

  • all these fields have failed at calibration in a new (1 month old, PPCS500-9 PCB Rev.) PCS500.
    I have old revision of PCS-500 too, but iI have no these problems with it.
    I working with old revision of PCS500 more than 4 years, and i have no problems with it all this time.

Trigger failure on new PCS-500 is widely discussed problem on this forum.
I think, that it’s a well known problem for PCS-500 designers too.
What is a difference between new & old PCB revisions of PCS500?
Is it a problem with IC32 (NE5210), or with another components?
Unfortunately, I can’t send PCS-500 to Velleman because of my current location.
What can I do (as an electronic engineer) to repair PCS500?
Thank You.

You have read this forum and maybe you have done the following:

  • You have deleted the WinDSO.ini file and started the scope program (PC-LAB2000SE).
  • Then you got the errors in calibration.

If that is the case, you may try to run the new scope with the calibration values of the old scope. This is just to identify the source of the problem.

  • Delete WinDSO.ini.

  • Connect your old scope to the PC

  • Start the software.

  • Calibration occurs.

  • Turn off the program.

  • Connect your new scope to the PC.

  • Run the software

Now check: Does the scope work?
Does the triggering of the new scope work at all?
If not, then there is some hardware failure in the new scope.