I´m looking for a software for the old PCS32i Scope from Velleman what works under WindowsXP or 2000. The original version of the software seems to work only with DOS or WIN3.1-95/98.
Can anybody help?
Greetings from Germany
I´m looking for a software for the old PCS32i Scope from Velleman what works under WindowsXP or 2000. The original version of the software seems to work only with DOS or WIN3.1-95/98.
Can anybody help?
Greetings from Germany
Please download WinDSO_FG32 and follow install instructions for your operating system.
VEL417: Thanks a lot for great help! My PCS32i works great with the new software!
Best greetings
I am also looking for a software for the PCS32i for WindowsXP. But the link for the download does not work. Where is the software now available?
The link in this thread was to old version of the software.
You may download the latest version from Velleman downloads page.
You’ll find the link at the bottom of the page.
Where can the software for the PCS32i be found now? Its an old, but still good working device and I want continue to use it but with a damaged old PC I need some help…
g. Ulrich
Hi Urlo,
You might try this link
It will be at the bottom of the page.
Hope this helps.