PCS100 TRIGGER and LPT problem

Good morning
I have recently bought a PCS100.
I’m testing the corret work of the scope,
connecting the 60 MHz probe to the calibrating front panel
square wave.
Running the acquisition, both with “Run” and “Single” modes,
works good.
The problem arises when I try to use the TRIGGER. :frowning:
After activated, it looks that trigger condition
does not occur…
The monitor says “Waintg for trigger …”,
although i known that the trigger condition
is just happened!
To obtain the acquisition, i have to move the trigger level
slide up and down, till i get “Triggered” message,
visualizing the acquired wavwform.

The other strange think is that after some using of trigger,
it seems that comunication with PC parallel port fails.
Infact, the waveform on the screen starts to blink,
till it disappears. In this status, if i try to test communication
with PC, it fails, like if the parallel port traffic was congested.
At this point, i have to restart the application to re-establish
the link with the PC, and obtain the acquired waveform back.

It’s important for me understanding if this is software\PC-related problem
or depends on PCS100 hardware, because in this case, i can substitute the part
in warranty.

Pentium III 800 MHz
Windows XP SP3
LPT1 (tested with “Normal” “ECP” and “EPP” mode)

Thank you veru much


It seems that there are some communication problems with the LPT port. Have you possibility to test with other PC.

I have made a try with another PC,
a laptop with a best performing CPU,
and i have no any problem with the LPT port.
So, the trick is
“Use a upper level PC!”

But a doubt remains …
regarding the TRIGGER function
on PC-Lab2000SE
With a square wave on CH1,
i expect that on a front (rising front, for example),
i’d have the triggered waveform.
Instead, to obtain the triggered condition,
i have to set the trigger level out of the front
seen (with the running mode).
It seems that what i look on the screen is not what
the trigger sees.
Moving the trigger level in any point of the rising front, the sw status remains in “Waiting for trigger …”
and only going out the square ware (for example above the max voltage value), i get the “Triggered”
Do you know to say me why?

Thank you


Sorry, the front panel square wave is not possible to use with triggering on. It is scope’s internal synchronized signal and stable on the screen without the triggering.

Is the triggering working OK if you use a signal from the external world instead?

Thank you,
when i can, i’m going to try the trigger with an external world signal.
I 'll keep you informed.

Bye bye
