I have a PCS10 data logger. I want to use it to log the performance of a photo-voltaic cell and wind generator combination at a remote location that does not have 220 - 240 VAC power available. Is it possible to configure the data logger through its USB port using a laptop PC, then by maintaining the +5Vdc supply from an external source, disconnect the laptop and leave the data logger operating unattended for a few weeks? As the only power source available on site is the 24vDC battery stack that is being charged by the PV cells and wind generator I do not want to draw additional current from them as would be the case if the laptop PC were powered from the batteries via a 24V to 230V inverter. There is also the problem that the lap top willl automatically shut down after a few minutes or hours depending how the power save is set.
This is not a stand-alone logger, it needs to be connected to the PC at all times in order to operate.