PCS maximum data refresh rate

Hi all,
I try to get data from the PCS via usb or parallel port as quickly as possible without duplicate data.
Does anyone know what the maximum possible refresh rate is.
Is it better than 1 frame (of 4096 samples) in 50ms or can it be faster.

Here are some refresh rate test results:

On the Time/Div ranges 0.1us to 50us the refresh interval is about 50ms.
On the 1ms/div : 100ms
On the 10ms/div : 400ms

On the Time/Div ranges 0.1us to 0.5ms the refresh interval is about 100ms.
On the 1ms/div : 125ms
On the 10ms/div : 400ms

In the test one channel data was read from the DSOLink.DLL to the PC application.
The total time for this can depend on the PC speed too.

Here is the software loop used to test the refresh rate:

var i: longint; p:pointer; data: array[0..5000] of longint; begin p:= @data[0]; label2.caption:='- - -'; timed:=false; timer1.enabled:=true; i:=0; repeat if DataReady then begin ReadCh1(p); inc(i); end; application.processmessages; until timed; label2.caption:=inttostr(i);