PCS 500 Scope for linux?


I have the PCS500 scope, and i need work with it on linux, so my questions are:

  • There are some software for linux to work with this scope?
  • There are some documentation with protocol communication for this scope? I have intention to create a new software if need to work with this in linux…
  • the software available on velleman site for this scope is open-source?

Many thanks,
Filipe Santos

[quote]I have the PCS500 scope, and i need work with it on linux, so my questions are:

  • There are some software for linux to work with this scope? [/quote]
    I made a quick Google search and found this link: “Using the Velleman PCS 500 digital oscilloscope under Linux”: lafraze.net/nbernard/doc/mis … leman.html

There are some documentation of the operation of the PCS500 on the CD.

Sorry it’s not open source.

Please take a look in the following site


The software is still beta, but is distributed as open source and can be used under Linux or WinXP.

If you have trouble compiling the software just report your problems and I will do the best to clarify your questions or fix the bugs.
