PCGU1000 genstatus=0 in C++


There MUST be something I am missing. I have downloaded the latest Pclab software and the latest driver available for this device. The FGULink demo shows a generator status = 1 (Ready); the pclab is able to connect to the drive and though I cannot see changes to the GUI graphics when I change the frequency with the slider (is it normal ?), it works with the amplitude (I haven’t checked with an oscilloscope that things are real or just demo).

On the contrary my own C++ program (visual studio 2010) always shows 0=Loading when calling the genStatus function, even within a loop waiting for 5s each round. The exemple code in dev-C++ proposed here viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5618, shows 0 as genstatus as well.
I tried on 2 different computers : 1 xp 32bits and 1 xp 64 bits pro

Could you please help me to check where to start to find what I am doing wrong ?

Thank you very much

[quote]I have downloaded the latest Pclab software and the latest driver available for this device. The FGULink demo shows a generator status = 1 (Ready); the pclab is able to connect to the drive and though I cannot see changes to the GUI graphics when I change the frequency with the slider (is it normal ?)[/quote]Yes, it is normal. The waveform graphic is just displaying the wave form. The horizontal frequency slider changes place when frequency is changed.

[quote]The exemple code in dev-C++ proposed here viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5618, shows 0 as genstatus as well.[/quote]Here is the link to download the whole Dev-C++ project:
You may first run the FGULINK_DevC.exe.
It should give the generator status = 1.

Thank you very much for your support.

The problem was actually about files. It was not clear to me which files to use. The pclab software use the pcgu1000.bit for this device with a pcgu1000link.dll, and for the development part there is fgulink.dll with fgu1000.bit though in the forum I can read posts saying to use the pcgu1000link.dll for development…

A bit confusing but everything is ok now :slight_smile:

Indeed, there arte two DLLs for the function generator.
This is the difference, as you have noticed:

  • The PCGU1000Link.dll is very old but it has the advantage that it uses the latest main software and the latest .bit file.
  • The FGULink.dll is more advanced and it is using the FGU.exe who is specially made for it and also uses the specially made fgu1000.bit file.
    In this thread there is some more info: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2041