PCGU1000 - 3 proposals

I’ve bought this generator after being impressed with PCSU1000 oscilloscope and with fast feedback from velleman software developers.

  1. I think it would be useful to add slider to change rise/fall time proportion in triangle shape mode. To make shape not only “//”, but also “/|/|” or “||”. :wink:
    Just like it’s implemented in square mode.

  2. When connected with PCSU1000 oscilloscope, I can analize responce in fixed regions (1KHz…10KHz, 1KHz…100KHz). But it’s rather hard to analize custom narrow band (for example 9…11KHz) in details.

Can you add ability to set custom Start and Stop frequencies (and custom frequency step)?

  1. It would be very useful to add “import waveform” from sound *.wav mono file. File can be truncated to first 8196 samples (or time-scaled to fit in this buffer, as an option).

There are some very useful audio editors (like AdobeAudition), where I can generate for example “brown”, “pink” or “white” noise, create sin() waveform with several harmonics combined…
I don’t ask to implement everithing in your software, I only want to prepare sample in audio editor and import it in generator buffer.

Thank you for your comments.

  1. Indeed may be nice to have the “duty cycle” adjustment for triangle wave too…
    At the moment you have to use library waveforms to get unsymmetrical triangle wave.

  2. Now you have to use the Pause button and set the step size for the frequency range of interest. Not very easy but for the moment the only way… Custom start and stop and custom step size is requested sometimes.

  3. I think that separate (maybe self made) software can be used to export .wav file in text form for the PCGU1000. The file size can be up to 32000 samples. The PCGU1000’s software scales it to fit to the 8192 bytes memory.