PCGU 1000: Can't get it going

I cannot get the PCGU1000 started at all.
My laptop runs with windows XT.
I have spent the best part of 10 hours in front of that machine and I am more than disappointed.
Have you got any easy advice for a normal user - and not for a computer Whizzkid?

Check to make sure the drivers are loaded by (make sure the PCGU1000 is connected to the PC, and that the power supply is plugged into the generator and connected to the mains, then…

  1. Click Start, then select Run…;

  2. Enter devmgmt.msc in the Open: textbox, and click [OK];

  3. The Device Manager will open, now find and expand the Ports (COM & LPT) and Universal Serial Bus controllers sections;

If the drivers are loaded you should see entries for the PCGU1000 Function Generator as shown below–if not listed, or the COM port number is greater than COM9, then you should downloaded and install the lastest versions of the PCLab software and drivers, available here:


I have the same problem. It doesn´t work. The red LED doesn´t want to light.
Should the red LED light at the moment when I plug the PCGU1000 on the 230V line or later only, when the impulses are coming out ?

[quote=“toeroekl”]I have the same problem. It doesn´t work. The red LED doesn´t want to light.
Should the red LED light at the moment when I plug the PCGU1000 on the 230V line or later only, when the impulses are coming out ?[/quote]

It won’t light until you start enable the generator’s output using PCLab2000 or one of the other PCGU1000 applications…

Thank´s for the answer.
I already installed the PcLab2000SE and the drivers too but the PcLab2000SE writes “No Function generator response” and wants to go into the demo mode.

[color=#0040BF]Take a look at this thread[/color], there is a hardware modification that makes the PCGU1000 better able to cope with USB ports that deliver >5.0V.

I made this change on my instrument and have yet to have any problem connecting to a number of PCs and notebooks–including one that had refused to connect.

Are you using the latest PCLab2000SE v4.00 and the driver ?
If you are using the older version of the software then the COM port number for the PCGU1000 must be COM1 to COM9.
Here is a link to download the latest software and driver: velleman.eu/distributor/supp … e=PCGU1000

The software must be run “As Administrator” mode in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

  • Right-click on the PcLab2000SE icon on the desktop or in the programs list
  • Choose Properties, switch to the Compatibility tab
  • Select “Run this program as an administrator”

See also this thread for more info about the different error messages and how to fix the problem: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4751

Thank you for your advices, that was. I´ve installed the PcLab2000Se v4.00 and the driver from the homepage of velleman and now it runs.
Many thanks once more.