PCB milling machine

I did the K8200 cnc modification from velleman.eu/downloads/0/user … illing.pdf
When I updated the firmware from the link 3dprint.elettronicain.it/wpconte … ILL_ON.zip
The repetier V0.82 did not respond to any automated or manual control. I have also tried it with repetier V0.95 (as seen on the pdf). When I go back tot the original firmware (MarlinV1) everything works normal again.

Is there any other firmware available for use as pcb milling machine? What version of Repetier should I use?

Is it possible to aswer this question please? I already mailed to the store for support, unfortunately Velleman does not answer :frowning:

Which version of Arduino did you use to build the CNC code.
I built mine with 1.0.6. Later versions produce non-working code. If you have the Z-Axis upgrade you will also need change the steps/mm for that axis.

See thread


for more details.

Hello!! I have the same problem. With a firmware (3dprint.elettronicain.it/wp-cont … ILL_ON.zip) that describe on the vellemanusa guide, no work. My Arduino IDE version is 1.6.3.
Everbody can help me?

You need to use 1.0.6 or lower.
You can download it from here