I did the K8200 cnc modification from velleman.eu/downloads/0/user … illing.pdf
When I updated the firmware from the link 3dprint.elettronicain.it/wpconte … ILL_ON.zip
The repetier V0.82 did not respond to any automated or manual control. I have also tried it with repetier V0.95 (as seen on the pdf). When I go back tot the original firmware (MarlinV1) everything works normal again.
Is there any other firmware available for use as pcb milling machine? What version of Repetier should I use?
Is it possible to aswer this question please? I already mailed to the store for support, unfortunately Velleman does not answer
Which version of Arduino did you use to build the CNC code.
I built mine with 1.0.6. Later versions produce non-working code. If you have the Z-Axis upgrade you will also need change the steps/mm for that axis.
Hello!! I have the same problem. With a firmware (3dprint.elettronicain.it/wp-cont … ILL_ON.zip) that describe on the vellemanusa guide, no work. My Arduino IDE version is 1.6.3.
Everbody can help me?