Does someone now the exact type of the connectors that connect the printer to the printed circuit board? I searched for them and found, that this MOLEX
is very similar to that used in the printer. Will this be compatible with the mounted one?
Thank You for any help!
Yes, that are exact the right parts.
Only [color=#BF0000]beware[/color] that, if you order the female part, for example :
uk.farnell.com/molex/22-01-2045/ … /dp/143128
[color=#BF0000]you have to order the crimp contacs separately![/color]
for example :
uk.farnell.com/molex/08-50-0032/ … dp/9773789
Thank You!
At this moment I only need the PCB part, but will remember Your warning for later.
Definitely Molex !
But compatible with the TE CONNECTIVITY / AMP connectors.
I used the female wire-to-board connectors:
Ordercode: 1098438
be.farnell.com/te-connectivity-a … st=1098438
Ordercode: 1098455
be.farnell.com/te-connectivity-a … st=1098455
These are also compatible :
Link : Reichelt PSK contacs
Link : Reichelt PSK housing
Link : Reichelt PSK board plug
And they are quite cheap!
I used them myself for many projects.
The connectors for my board are marked ECI, which is Ever Conn International.
A Molex fits, but not perfectly.
[quote=“Paul Compton”]The connectors for my board are marked ECI, which is Ever Conn International.
A Molex fits, but not perfectly.[/quote]
The “PSK” type from Reichelt fits like a glove.
I believe they are available under different “Brandings”.