Paste Extruder K8205 Manuals Still Not Available


I am still looking for any sort of instructions for the paste extruder upgrade. I read a previous topic posted in 2016 about errors in the manuals and that they would be posted soon, but I can’t find anything anywhere. The most I have found is the files for all the 3d printed parts that go along with the upgrade, but no sort of instructions on how to install, which firmware necessary, and compatibility with other upgrades to the printer.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Try this link.

Well that would be close enough, thanks for the link. My only other question is if I have upgraded my firmware for the 0.35 direct extruder, the z-axis upgrade, and the LCD screen, do I need to revert back to the original firmware?

if you have a stock K8200 I don’t think I would change it to the 0.35 nozzle.
You will need to alter the firmware to change the minimum temp of the nozzle before it starts printing.
At this time it is set to 170C