Hi all i have a velleman P6727 card it’s a reciever for remotes but i cant find the manual annymore and it has one of the 3 led’s blinking and i dont know what to do now.
So if annyonne can help me by posting the manual i whould be verry grathful.
thank u but the manual to program remotes doesnt work for me , LD3 keeps blinking and u hear the relais also on and off like verry fastgoing. Changing the condensator cv also doesnt stop it.
VM130T remotes But the problem isnt with the remotes cause the recievers led’s 3 and relais keeps strobing even if u dont press remotes from the moment i plug the reciever in to power he starts blinking led 3 and u hear a relais also on and of.
Sorry, standard VM130T remotes are NOT compatible with the old K6727 receiver.
There is a possibility to have a limited compatibility.
Please see page 9 of this document: