P2636'2 test

do you have a set of mesures points to check the p2636 board?
Soldering and components seems good but RV1 and RV2 are useless.
Do you have some value i must have on some strategical point on the board that help me localise the problem.
Thanks you

here a pdf of the schematic.
Can you tell me what value should i have ?

It might be better to post clear pictures of your kit top and bottom.
BTW the part number if the kit is K2636

My bad, there is a “p2636” on my board so i missed.
i don’t have photo of the solder side, i will send them later.
have a look on the component side:
i did some oscilloscope measures yesterday . At R9 terminals it seems a correct command as i see a periodic signal.
Should i have something at R13 terminals? nothing move there…