Own software for PCSGU250

Dear all,

I´m programming a software for the PCSGU250 oscilloscope with Qt Creator (C++). Therefore I used the PCSGU250.dll and created a header file.

At the moment I am only able to read out data from the oscilloscope with the function ReadCh1/2 when the program PCLabLt2000 is running simultaneously. I created a plot that shows the data and I can start and stop reading data.
Moreover it is possible to close PcLabLt2000 with the function Stop_PCSGU250 and check if the data is ready. But unfortunately most of the functions I´d like to use do not work as I expected them. So for example RunOn, SingleOn or Time do not have any effect if I use them. I have the suspicion that it doesn´t work because of the PcLabLt2000 that is already running with it´s own settings since only functions where I have to read data or get a boolean value work in my program. My hope is to find a way to run my program without PcLabLt2000 that maybe enables me to use the other functions.

Does anybody know how/if it is possible to run the software without having to open PcLabLt2000? And is there any idea why certain functions work and others don´t and how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much in advance.


Here is the link to download the updated DLL package version 2:

This package includes example program written in C#.

[quote]Does anybody know how/if it is possible to run the software without having to open PcLabLt2000?[/quote]I’m sorry, this is not possible. The PcLab2000LT must be running in the background.
You can use function Show_PCSGU250(0) to hide the oscilloscope’s user interface.

[quote]And is there any idea why certain functions work and others don´t and how to solve this problem?[/quote]Have you specified the function arguments to be 32-bit integers?