if i print a Cricle its Oval. so it isnt a circle but a oval
as example i made a circle that should be 19mm, but if i measure in the X- as i get 19.02mm and the Y-as 18.60mm
so the Y-as is off with 0.42 mm and thats a BIG differnce…
and the most stange part is that the Y-as seems to be the most stable as.
the x-as has a out of centre pulley and the y-as seems to have a verly centerd pulley.
can someone point me out to the Line on Arduino IDE so i can fine tune this…
yes i allready senden my stuff to velleman on a other post i also told the voltage regulator is broken so i cant do antthing any more and just though i would ask here some quastions . about stuff i noticed durring printing and with the print results.
but as i calculate i do notice a Big diffrence with a not centered hole.
i though it would not make such a big differnce.
so it just seems i’m Lucky that the X-as is spot on the right size…
Short and sweet, I have pulley’s that are drilled off center. I have just always printed new ones but I was wondering if they made metal K8200 motor pulleys that are straight? If so where can I find them?