NTC Thermistor different, replacement or wrong part?

I’m assembling my K8200 and am up to en_019 - ASSEMBLING THE HOTEND. The picture shows an NTC Thermistor that has 2 legs both coming out of the same end of the device. Instead, in my kit I have 2 small devices that look a lot like diodes until you get close.

Images: imgur.com/a/EYt3u

Are these drop in replacements for the model in the instructions or do I have wrong parts?


[quote]Are these drop in replacements for the model in the instructions or do I have wrong parts[/quote]Yes, it seems they are OK.
Please see the instructions: k8200.eu/manual/building/?c=019

There is written:
“Due to constant development it is also possible that you have a bag with an alternate LARGER version of the NTC and a heater block with an extra hole, as shown below. Do not panic, we will handle both versions in the manual below.”

Ahh awesome. That looks exactly right. Thanks for the fast response. :slight_smile:

I think I see the problem. Your link has the up to date instructions, but on that page, if I click the link to download the PDF, it doesn’t include the bits about the new thermistors and the problem nozzles.

I was working from the PDF version.


Thank you for the feedback.
This is good info for the maintenance.