Nozzle temperature versus requested temperature

I have done a nozzle temperature check to see if the requested temp. is really what we get.
I have found in fact that the real temperature if alway higher that the one requested.
here is the mapping curve: real temp = 1.12*(requested temp)-3.18


it give more or less 10°c-30°C of difference between requested temp. and real one between 100°c and 250°c

how can I calibrate the thermistor directly in the machine.
I already look at the PID but the calibration is more related to the temperature reading.

Thank for help


Have you correctly installed the thermistor? If not you can get easily a difference of 10 - 30 °C.


Hi Dylan,
Yes, I was aware of such problem in case of sensor bad location.

for me, this coud be easily corrected if I could know where to enter the correction factor, if one is existing.

thank for your help


I think you have to modify the firmware then, there’s no option to do this in Cura/Repetier/…


The values are in the “thermistortable.h” file in the Marlin firmware. You can choose from the existing table or create a new one.