Nozzle-temperatur at start of conection to the K8200 185deg


I have the printer now for a week. Today I start the printer and connect to the Repetier Software. From the beginning the Nozzle-temperatur ist 185 deg. I messure the NTC. 100k. I have made an update of the Firmware. Same temp.

What can I doo now?.

Best regards Anton

Hi Anton.

I am just firing up a new k8200 for the first time.
The problem I’m having seems to be the same as yours.
Before even turning on the hotbed heater, the temperature indicator
reading is 130C. I turned on the heater for 2-3 minutes and
temperature graph still shows 130C. There was some slight smile from
heating block, which could just be a result of burning off some debris
on the block, since it is new. But to be cautious, I turned off the heater
before I damaged something. The temperature always remained 130.

I measure the resistance of the circuit and it I about 82kohm. That
Put it in the 70-100Kohm range of the instructions.

Have you found a solution to your problem, or does someone have a solution.

Best regards otto

This sounds like the thermistor maybe damaged

Thank you wrong way.
You do a valuable service responding to so many queries.

In my case, I goofed.
In troubleshooting something else, I disconnected the connectors to the controller board. Unfortunately, I switched therm1 and fan. Duh.
When this was corrected, everything worked fine.

Now on to calibrating… Chapter 3 in the Velleman instructions.

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No problem at all.