Nozzle sticks to part at end of print

Can someone please help?
Two days ago, my K8200 suddenly developed a new problem. At the end of a print, with 5 to 8 seconds remaining, the printer stops with the nozzle touching the top of the print at the end of the last layer. The EndCode gcode is not executed.
The extruder heater switches off, the nozzle oozes a bit and cools off and the nozzle is stuck to the print.
A few minutes later the bed moves, damaging the print.
What could be the cause? What is the remedy?

Thanks & regards,

[quote=“WallyL”]Can someone please help?
Two days ago, my K8200 suddenly developed a new problem. At the end of a print, with 5 to 8 seconds remaining, the printer stops with the nozzle touching the top of the print at the end of the last layer. The EndCode gcode is not executed.
The extruder heater switches off, the nozzle oozes a bit and cools off and the nozzle is stuck to the print.
A few minutes later the bed moves, damaging the print.
What could be the cause? What is the remedy?

Thanks & regards,

Printed from SD or PC?
If from PC, are any error messages like endstop hit, maxtemp triggered or alike shown in the log?
Does the extruder temp change suddenly when it happens? (can be a bad connection in the thermistor wiring or faulty thermistor)

I haven’t noticed any of these, particularly error messages, but will check on the next print later today.

Did you change something in your g-code settings in repetier’s slicer/cura engine config?

No, I changed nothing, apart from the usual little tweaks.
I have always had one or two problems with the End Code not being executed.
I’m using Repetier Host V0.84, and Slic3r 0.9.8 - I would like to upgrade, but am afraid of changing too many things at once!
Has anyone upgraded? What are the risks?



If you mean upgrading to repetier 1.0.6, feel free to go.

I updated 2 moths ago, to get the cura engine, which slices extremely fast and most times even better than slic3r.


I had the same problem on the next print - see screenshot of the log at … t.jpg?dl=0

This was printed from my PC, with no errors logged or any problems with the temperature.
The last 9 lines of gcode were

32631 G1 X104.920 Y96.024 E1.14969
32632 G1 F3900.000 E0.14969
32633 G92 E0
32634 M107
32635 M109 S100 ; extruder standby temperature
32636 M104 S40 ; bed standby temperature
32637 G28 X100 Y100 ; park at end of job
32638 M84 ; disable motors
32639 ; filament used = 509.8mm (3.5cm3)

Clearly the print stopped after line no 32636.

I then pressed the Reset button twice on the controller board; the first external reset gave no response, but the second one followed the command to move the bed to X0 Y200.



Can you try another print with printing sent commands enabled in repetier?
If the sent commands are shown in log it may be easier to find out the point where it stops.

I don’t understand what “printing sent commands enabled in Repetier” means. Is there a setting which must be enabled?


You can enable “echoing”, thus displaying, the commands sent to the printer in the log tab og repetier.
I don’t know how the exact nam is in the english original version of repetier, as i’m using the german one.
It should be called like commands or so.

Just looked at my end G code when the head parks

I have

G1 F3900.000 E3.98240
G92 E0
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
G28 X0 ; home X axis
M84 ; disable motors
; filament used = 2308.7mm (15.9cm3)

You can see my end G code shows G28 X0. Looking at yours the end park G code is x:100, Y:100 which is the centre of the heated bed?

I would check the setting in the Repetier program.

In printer settings it should read:
Park position x 0 y 0 z-min 0
go to park is ticked

Try it.

OK, yes, I have been using echoing all the time, that is where I saw that the print stopped at line 32636.
I have set the park position at X100 Y100 in the end code to place the printed part directly under the fan. I leave it there for a few minutes to cool, making it easier to remove froM the bed.
