As Wrongway said decrease the temperature to 190° and the flow to 75%.
Don’t use more than 50% infill (30-40% is enough most of the time). You should get better results then.
And while you’re at it change the retraction to 3 mm - 150mm/s.
Thank you for the information. I have changed the settings and will check tomorrow.
My temperature was by default 210°C, flow 100%, retraction length 2mm and speed 40mm/s by default.
Dont know why but my infill was at 100% changed it too.
Cura is not available for repetier-host on mac. Only as stand-alone software but I dont have the right configurations for Cura at the moment. I have installed it but haven’t configured it right now to work with my K8400. Is there a file or a Link where I can get all the settings for Cura?
Edit: tested Cura as stand-alone software with the settings you told mentioned. Works very well. Thank you for your quick help/solutions.