Nozzle assembly failure over time

This happened today for me. Never seen plastic coming out that way out of the nozzle assembly. Sooner or later i gues considering i have printed alot of prints over time the nozzle assembly will start acting upp :wink: Both my heads died with 2 Days diff for methe other one seam to have gotten a deforme ptfe tube.

After disasembly i found out that there is comeing plasting out of the peek holes also and the nozzle is impossible to remove from the peek and i managed to apparently dmg the termistor when removing it so one of the leads broke off inside the sleeve and it ended up sticking out thru the sleeve.

It is the second termistor i manage to dmg.

Velleman should realy redesign that heaterblock is so delicate that design with the termistor.

The up side is i have a spare Peek and nozzle so that is no problem bought from some time back. But now i need to find a new solution for the termistor. Anyone got any good sugestion?

// Marlark

Im in luck :slight_smile: have the termistors for the printer incl the sleeve. Ordered a spare :slight_smile:

You’re lucky to have that store. Even in Belgium I can’t find one having spare parts.

I managed to salvage the termistor after some resoldering and beeing creative with the sleeve. Even after some trial and error managed to save one of the peek isolators. Getting ABS plastic out of that crap is not easy. Replaced the other and put in 2 new nozzles and got the printer assembled again without the parts from But im getting them anyway as replacements for future fuckups :wink:

// Marlark

I have gotten a replacement for the peek tube after sending a similar picture to velleman… FYI… Spare PEEK costs to much imho…

Kind Regards