Nozzle and PEEK element stuck


I have been using my Vertex for a couple of months and now I had a blocked nozzle and PEEK element.
It’s completely burned! I was lucky that I check a couple of times a printjob to avoid problems.

I need a new PEEK element since the PFTE tube inside is not clean anymore and I can’t get it out of the PEEK element.
And a new nozzle of course…
Is this covered by my warranty on my Vertex or not?


Hi Dylan,
you should try to drill it out.
The tube is approx 2mm, so a 2mm drill would do.
I cleaned mine that way


Its about the most annoying thing about the printer.
What helps is to heat it up with a heating gun an push the filament form the top out with a screewdriver. First unmount the nozzle und the bottom.

Yeah a drill will work, but do it by hand… Don’t use any powertools. Just slowly with a small visegrip on the drillbit turn in the drill and try to pull it out a few times really fast. With a little luck it comes out in kinda 1 piece. Drilling it out completely also works this way.

Thanks everyone,
I managed to get the PEEK element almost clean but it’s not clean enough…
Removing the PFTE tube is impossible :o

I don’t have a heatergun…


Screw the 2 mm Drill into the PTFE tube… Or you can grab it with it and pull it out. Or you drill it out completely… If it rotates push a small nail trough the vent holes trough the PTFE tube so it stays on its place while screwing the drill-bit in. I had to do it like that for like 4 times the first month… It’s a bit of tricky the first time but it gets easier every time :stuck_out_tongue:

Fixed by replacing the nozzle and peek element.
Thanks to Velleman support for supplying the parts under warranty.

Happy printing everyone,