Not able to go to 210°C

It’s my first day with my printer.
I have put the last firmware (1 head)
I was able, 1 time, to lozd filament.
Now, I am not able to go to 210°C.

I try to use Repetier (I change the configuration to 1 head), but 190°C is the max I am able to go (after 20 minutes)

Same is I try to unload filament from the printer.

Please help, I am going to be crasy.

Have you mount the thermistor correctly?


Mine cant reach much more than 200C either, when the fans are spinning.
Manually stopping the front most fan “fixes” that.

Its not clear to me what the purpose is of either fan. I assume the radial fan is to cool the upper part of the hot end, and the front most fan to cool the print? If so, why are they are controlled together ? Or should they not ?

What is the temp of the room?
If it’s too cold that could be the issue.

[quote=“minitreintje”]Have you mount the thermistor correctly?


Sorry, I was thinking that I have put a return.

You were in true. My thermistor was not correctly mounted.
