Noise Bandwith for PCSGU250 Spectrum Analyzer

I am attempting to use the spectrum analyzer function in the PCSGU250 to measure phase noise. However, I need to know the noise bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer. The noise bandwidth is a function of the span, number of FFT points, and the window type. I have been subtracting the measured value in dBV/root(Hz) from the dBV value but the numbers I get do not produce measurements that agree with a similar noise measurement made by an HP3561A FFT dynamic signal analyzer. The PCSGU250 agrees with the HP3561A when I measure tone signals. Has anyone had any experience measuring noise and determining the noise bandwidth?

Thanks for your help.
Dennis Sweeney
VA Tech
Blacksburg, VA

Have you checked the PCSGU250 Help->Oscilloscope Help ?
There in the section “Spectral Density marker” is written:
“Using the Spectral Density marker and the Frequency marker, the voltage spectral density (V[size=85]SdBV[/size]) and the noise bandwidth (B[size=85]N[/size]) can be read from the spectrum analyzer display.”
Anyhow, I’m afraid this option is not what you are looking for…