No sound vm202

I connect the vm202 with an audio jack cable to the pmk190.
On the pmk190 I connected two speakers (8 Ohm/2,5W).
When the power is on I see the LED on the USB, that is connected to the vm202, flashing.
But I hear no sound on the speakers. I tried some other usb’s but no effect.
I checked the wires but anything is okay.
When I connect the pmk190 to a different mp3 player it works good.
The power supply is also okay. I use a 9V battery.

What could be the problem?
Can’t the pmk190 be connected to the vm202 perhaps?

Can you supply a link to a picture of your hookup?
That way, we can have a look and maybe provide some feedback.

The pictures shows my project:

Judging by the pics, it should work.
If the cable between MP3 player and amp is OK and if the amp works with a different source, then we have to assume that the MP3 player is defective.
In such case, please return it to the store for exchange.