No Connection with IOS (IPad)

After the WiFi connection between WFS210 and the IPAd , there is no possability to give the right address and portnumber in the IPAD IOS WFS210 menu (Like with the PC) So I can’t connect to a IOS system. When will this be solved ?
I can’t get a connection with my IPAD, when is this solved , will there be a new version of the WFS210 app ???

This is not needed as you connect to the WFS210 own WLAN network.
The IP and port is fixed in the WFS210.
The WFS210 will not join another network

[quote=“VEL337”]This is not needed as you connect to the WFS210 own WLAN network.
The IP and port is fixed in the WFS210.
The WFS210 will not join another network[/quote]

But is doesn’t work on my IPad !! when will there be a new release of the WFS210 app ??
I can’t use my IPad now !!!

We are aware of the problem and we’re fixing it
