No connection any more

Hi there,

i am using the k8200 for some weeks now, today i got a Problem connecting the Printer.

When i press ‘connect’ in Repetier the printer seems to be connected, even if it lasts a bit longer than usual.

But in the blue status-field ( don’t know how to name it corredtly) shows following message up : “7 Befehle warten”, temperatur from heatbed and extruder are 0°, no movement of any axis, no heating, nothing.

In system setting the com3 still exists.

Can someone please give me a tip_?

This is typical of a defective power supply.

Hi, where and how can i get replacement/repair. I bought the Kit ar Conrad in Germany.

Please e-mail, with your problem and contact details. They will gladly send you a replacement.

Thank you for answering so quick, I contacted the email adress.

In the meanwhile: is it possible to use the 12V of an ATX-PC power supply or may this cause other Problems ?( Sorry, but i am no electronic specialist).


No, the unit requires 15VDC for correct operation.

The forum search brought me here:

I just finished the assembly of my K8200 and wanted to try each motor / end switch as mentioned in the manual.

When connecting the printer I get as well the message that there are 7 commands waiting (7 Befehle warten).
I was able to measure the voltage of the power supply with nearly 15 V. In addition it was possible for me the adjust the voltage for each Motor at 0,425 V.
Therefor I believe the power supply is fine…

Any other idea where to search the error?

Have you checked the baud rate?
Should be set to 250000

Wow… that was a fast reaction.
And indeed this was the fault. I oversaw this little detail in the instructions.

Thanks a lot!!! Now I can continue and have not to go to bed frustrated :slight_smile:

Just as a starting point.
You may want to go through the manual and make sure everything matches.
Do a few prints and then start tweeking it.

Happy printing.