No action on X-axis with homing

I have power up de printer, loaded new firmware and started homing. The Y-axis and Z-axis are moving fine but no action on the X-axis.
I have checked the connection cable to the motor and this seems to be oke. But the motor makes no move.

First try, or did it work earlier?

You may want to check the wiring.
Make sure you have the right plugs in the right connectors.

There was in mixup in de wiring op the X-axis and Extruder.
Thank you.

Glad to hear it’s working.


Happy printing!

I have the same problem. But when I move the axis “by hand” (using the move axis menu on the LCD) it will move correctly and printing seems no problem. Only homing does not work on the x-axis, y and z are homing fine.

What can be the problem?

What happens when X axis is trying to home Chakotay?

it goes to the back (homing action of y-axis) and stays there. The new 0 of x-axis will be at that position.

ok so regardless where it is on X it goes to 0 on Y and Z but X can be pritty much anything between 0 and 200?

indeed it can be any position relative to the bed but it will be noted as 200 on the display. After that I can move it to left (smaller numbers) using the move x-axis menu option but not to the right (above 200) beyond that point. The homing command has made it the new home for x.

Sounds like this is tied to the other thread you have going … Both of them smells like tention on the belts or stepper driver voltage error. Have you checked both of them? on all the stepped drivers so they are set to what they are supposed to be?

I am new to this all. Could you please tell me how I measure the tension on the belts? What is the right tension? Are there acceptable min and max values? I also do not know how to adjust the tension, it seemed pretty high before I screwed the connection to the printer head on. The axis are fixed at the ends. What can I do to adjust the tension? Basically the same questions for the driver voltage. Where do I measure it. What is the optimal, min and max value? How can I change it?

It is very possible like slowfoot say also … but considering the problem with some prints your aveing also in your other thread my gues is it is probably not tied to that.

The belts should be strait (if you look from above they should be strait from above like you cant se the belt under the one your looking on) … and when you pinch on them together they should not be flappy or hard like gitar strings. It is like when you look on your chain on your bike it should sort of move a litle when you lift it. PS not alot.

The belts they should be aligned toward the pullie corner simular to the 2 belts that go together on some of them. They should not be in the middle of the pullie if you get what i mean because then they have to much freedom to move around. If your get all those things right you have a fairly strait alignment and that is what you need to remember to look for angles that is logicly unsound. Ontop of all that the carriage should be fairly easy to move around.

There is a guide in the documentation for the stepper driver setting wish is fairly ok. However a sugestion is to be very “VERY” carefull when you do this. It is very small movements on that thing to get it right. It say in the doc to use a specific test location. My sugestion is to messure it like the wiki say on the potentiometer. Link (Wiki Link)

If the voltage is to low it is very hard for the motor to do the steps it is supposed todo and if it is to high you risk damaging the motor or completly burn the driver.

The homing problem is probably due to a malfunctioning endstop, when I switched the endstops the other axis wouldn’t home. This makes a lot of noise though (motor trying to go where it can’t), the original axis wouldn’t make that noise.

Thanks guys!

I have the same problem. When homing the printhead goes to the back in y direction and x does nothing. Then the display say it is at x is at 200…
I really cant seam to figure out whats wrong…

try re-seating the cable and cleaning the end stop

Finally my dealer decided to contact Velleman and they responded promptly with two new endstops. Last night I replaced them but no success. My conclusion now is that either the motherboard is damaged somehow or the software has a nasty bug. Since there is another motherboard in the world with exactly the same damage I believe it is the software. Anyone else having this problem?