Newbie question to analog output


I want to the DAC1 output to drive a motorcontroller. 0V means full speed one direction; 2,5V means stop and 5V means full speed other direction.
Is there power on DAC1/2 without external power supply? Jumpers SK2 + SK3 are off…

Please specify product in subject.

ups…yes, it is the K8055.

Finally I figured out that there is native voltage on the analogue outputs which can be controlled by the board.

Anyway, the potentiometer i use at the analogue input does not work precise. In an other forum I learned, that I have to remove the IC1 and have to connect the poti direct to the IC3. In that case the potis are working perfect, but after removing the IC1, there is no more voltage on the DAC1/2 outputs anymore. How to solve that?


[quote]In that case the potis are working perfect, but after removing the IC1, there is no more voltage on the DAC1/2 outputs anymore. How to solve that?[/quote]Place the IC1 back to the socket, but do not push the unused pins 1 and 7 into the socket holes.