Newbie K8055 board owner

Hi, and thank you for the mutitude of information here. I have been trawling it for a few hours now trying to find the solution to my particular problem.

Background. I work as an engineer in a factory with machines which make parts for cars. There are 20 machines. I would like to monitor each with a K8055 board if possible.

I am well versed with the hardware side. I know exactly how I want to get the signal into the digital input of the board. This is not a problem. I am aware of how to ‘get behind’ spreadsheets, into the code to change and set values for form elements, buttons etc.
I have had the K8055 hooked up to a laptop running XP and also Vista and I have had the sample programme running properly with both. I have been able to make the counter value for inputs 1 and 2 rise by pressing the corresponding buttons. All the functions work by controlling from the laptops.

My problem is, I do not have a background in programming although I am reasonably au fait with computers. I have written a few access databases for various applications at work, mainly for itemising stock etc but they always require manual input.
I am confident, if I can have the K8055 update just one cell on a spreadsheet (excel 2003) with the counter value from input 1 on the K8055, I can set up the calculations based on that ‘live’ figure to monitor quantities made by the machine.

The second thing I would like to do, would be to monitor how frequently the signal is made, lost and then remade, a pulse monitor if you like. This is obviously to measure cycle time of the machine and generate an output on the boad when the cycle time goes above a set value.

So I guess my query is two-fold.

  1. Cycle count straight into a cell on an excel worksheet so I can calculate from it. ie you can stand and watch the value change as the machine runs. (eventually if successful, all the machines may be hooked up to a monitor in an office)
  2. Input frequency measurement with a way to set the maximum limit before an output is made to an output on the board.

If someone could reply with a description of how to do either, right down the nuts’n’bolts I would be eternally grateful.

PS. I am not asking for anyones hard earned knowledge to benefit the business I work for, i fully understand many of you have livelihoods to look after… It is a project I have set myself. If the K8055 (I bought with my own money) works in this application, the business will be in a better position to invest in the technology and buy boards for all the machines, possibly even a tech guy to write the code professionally.
And my K8055 will stay at home with me for my home projects!

You may find some examples how to read the status of the digital inputs of the K8055 to Excel spreadsheet from this thread: K8055 programming with Visual Basic for applications