Hi everyone, iv got a few questions, as you can tell by the subject i am new to this scene and have a question or 3 to ask…
First, is it possible to connect other devices to this board e.g. a light bulb, or a digital output, if so can you give me an example of what i can do.
Secondly, if you can connect a digital output e.g. a LCD Screen can you use the programming part (I’ll be using vb.net) to display messages?
Thirdly, is there any documents out there that can help me understand the workings of this product. I mean iv read the document that has came with it but all i can understand is how to turn the LED’s on and off i cant find any literiture on expanding to use it with differnt things…
There on the K8055 card are following inputs and outputs:
5 digital inputs (0= ground, 1= open) (on board test buttons provided)
2 analogue inputs with attenuation and amplification option (internal test +5V provided)
8 digital open collector output switches (max. 50V/100mA) (on board LED indication)
2 analogue outputs:
0 to 5V, output resistance 1K5
PWM 0 to 100% open collector outputs max 100mA / 40V (on board LED indication)
General conversion time: 20ms per command
You can use the analog inputs to read temperature using a temperature sensor or measure any positive voltage levels from any source.
To the digital outputs you can connect relays to switch bulbs etc. on. (Be careful when working with mains voltage 230V. Better not to work with mains voltage at all.)
See the example relay connection diagram in the manual on page 19: velleman.be/downloads/0/illu … k_rev3.pdf
You can connect to the open collector outputs any loads that use voltage less than 50Vdc and the current through the load is less than 100mA.
Before doing anything you must understand what open collector output means.
See: [forum.vellemanprojects.eu/t/open-collector-contacts-or-outputs-what-are-these-things/107/1)
You can not use this card to to display messages on the LCD screen. The speed of the card is too low for that purpose.
There are huge amount of possibilities to use this card. Its analog and digital inputs can be used to sense a lot of things and the digital and analog outputs can be used to control many things too.
Please read the threads:
There is mentioned a professional application for the K8055/VM110: ” My VM110 is used to take the temperature from a little melting-oven and switches the oven with a solid state relais.”
You can also use Google and find a lot of valuable hints how to use K8055 card…