Need photo of K8403 (LED print board)

Hi all,
My selfmade relay LED switch is working fine.
But I like to dismiss some elements from my printer, which is the relay board.
Since I have installed the LEDs already, I do need to replace the electronic.

To make a print board for myself, I need to have some photos to see the parts and the lines of the print board.

I do not mind to pay 39EUR here, but as the IKEA LEDS are 29EUR already, which I do not need a second time, the board is only a 10EUR issue.

So if I could get the board only, even for 10EUR it would be fine, but I cannot find the single board.

It is not much to solder, but I am not good in electronic circuits, so I need an example.

Can one post a clear photo of the board, if possible?

Have a look at this pdf

Thanks LuckLuzz,
had that one in mind, but the layout is not really usable for a copy.
BUT, I checked the parts and they are that expensive, that I ordered the complete set.
So I got the original part and it works perfectly.
I hat it run already with a relay board, but need the space and like to clean the printer’s bottom :slight_smile:


Yeah that expentive ^^

3 Logic level mosfet with 3 resistors and a buck converter for 15V to 12V 3A… 5€
5m RGB LED Strp (full turn around the printer) 8€
