Need more digital inputs with counters

Unfortunately (for me) the K8055 only has counters on the first 2 of the 5 digital inputs. In my application, the digital signals are short duty cycle. If my software doesn’t check the input state before it changes back, I miss the event. With the 2 counter inputs, I can learn of the change in slightly less than real-time. The datasheet for the 16C745 PIC doesn’t seem to indicate that RA4 & RA5 are any different that the remaining pins used for digital inputs (RC0-RC7) as far as counter functionality. I’m guessing the counter functionality is in the K8055.dll code. If so, is the source code fo K8055.dll available? What I need is a board with more digital inputs with counters. I’m not using any other functions on the board.

[quote]I’m guessing the counter functionality is in the K8055.dll code.[/quote]The counter functionality is made in the PIC firmware. There are no hardware counters of the PIC used.

[quote]If so, is the source code fo K8055.dll available?[/quote] Sorry, but the source code for the latest v2 and v3 DLLs is not available. Also the firmware source is not available.