Need Help With Bank Bits

In the error file generated by the compiler this error turns up:
“Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are correct.”
I was trying to use a program made for a PIC16F84 on a 16F27 and this turned up. The tutorial program can be found at … ogtut4.htm
Please help me

{from another forum user, not on behalf of Velleman.}

1] I think you will get better support by taking this query to the forums at - it is about programming for the PICmicro, whereas the Velleman ‘programmer’ is for burning the resulting code into the microcontroller chip.

2] I can tell you in general what is wrong, but not specifically how to fix it.
Each model of Microchip PIC microcontroller is different, and has a different set of Registers, I/O lines, memory, on-board convertors etc. In general, it is NOT possible to assume that source code aimed at one chip can be reused unmodified on another. [The exception is where one chip is described as A DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR another.] The details of each controller are described in its Datasheet, which can be downloaded from - some are included in the Velleman documentation.

3] To understand and get confidence in the code-generation and chip-burning process, have you compiled (with MPASM) and burnt (with Progpic2) the supplied demo programs, which DO work with the supplied 16F627?

The demo programs worked good but that same error I mentioned before came up. What should I do? I made my own program using the demo program’s header code and it worked but the error showed up anyway.

[quote=“smartGPX”]{from another forum user, not on behalf of Velleman.}

3] To understand and get confidence in the code-generation and chip-burning process, have you compiled (with MPASM) and burnt (with Progpic2) the supplied demo programs, which DO work with the supplied 16F627?[/quote]

I experience the same problem as described above, with both the DEMO programs supplied by Velleman. The error surfaces three times when assembling it. In lines 128, 132 and 135, the program tries to write to OPTION_REG, TRISA and TRISB it claims that “Register in operand not in bankk 0” even though the command on line 120 BSF STATUS,RP0 states that bank 1 should be accessed… Where is the error? An what can I do about it?
Thanks in advance, Thomas

PS. The programs do NOT work when loaded into the F627 PIC on the board. Loading & verifying goes OK, and the board is checked, no errors/shorts etc.

--------- Next day:
Addendum: I found the problem why the demo1 program don’t run: The 4 .0 MHz oscillator did not run, the XTAL was faulty. Even if the program gives those error messages, it runs ok when loaded into the PIC if the oscillator runs as intended…