Need help on testing K8023

I am using the K8023 for a project but I’m new to electronics and need some help.

I’m done soldering and are on hook-up and testing.

I’ve connected the control VTX+ to the receiver VTX+ and the control VTX- to the recevier VTX-.

I’ve connected my 12 volt car battery to 12…15Vin on the Receiver card.

LD11 and LD12 are lit when power is on. I get about 10 volt on the VTX + and -.

When I connect com and any of the inputs 1 to 10 on the control, I get no corresponding response on the receiver. The only thing I notice is that the LD11 and LD12 flickers a bit. I have mesaured between the outputs (1 to 10) and GND on the receiver and get nothing.

I have’nt connected and power to +Vext. Should I do that? Or have I assemled the kit wrong somehow?

I’d be very thankful for help

Most likely an assembly error.
Sorry, this forum does not allow picture uploads
If you can provide LINKS (e.g. by using a free online picture base) to HI-RES and SHARP pics of your assembly (both solder- and component side)
then we can take a look and provide some feedback.

Thank you for your quick response.

Here is the link to the pictures. I have tried to look over the solderings one by one. … sp=sharing

One question. I am using 12v dc from a car battery. Should it be connected in any other place on the card than 12—15Vin?


No, there is only one spot where you should connect the battery.
Make sure to check it with a multimeter to make sure it delivers at least 12VDC.
Sorry to say, but numerous solder joints look suspicious and should be re-done.

The battery delivers about 12.5 v.

Like I said I’m more of a mechanical guy. Sorry for maybe stupid questions.

In the suspicious joints you see, is it too much solder or do you see joints that is not soldered enough? Do you see places where you suspect that the solder create joints where it should not?

Have you got some advice on how I should proceed? I have gone through the cards with manifying glass and compared it to the schematic diagram.

Looks like VR1 is installed backwards on the receiver.
The metal back of the regulator should line up with the white stripe on the print of the board.

You might want to look at that.

I adjusted vr1, now it is the correct way. It still did not work.

And the trouble continues. While reading other topics here on the forum, I started measuring the voltage on the vr’s. While doing that I succeeded in burning the prefabricated connection between 12…15Vin and D2 on the card. I have no idea what else on the card that got destroyed.

This was a major set back for my project since I kind of depended on the functionality of the K8023. Maybe unassemblied kits just isn’t for me :frowning:

Thanks for the help anyway.

It’s possible VR1 was destroyed from being installed backwards.
You should be able to find another one at a local electronics shop.