I bought a K8200 second hand. The guy I bought it from had it running and showed me it working (start of a print, manual operation and movement on all axes). Since bringing it home I’ve had nothing but problems over the course of the last month. Some of which can be attributed to me learning how to use it. But lately, serious issues.
This is where I’m at. Repetier kept throwing up errors during prints. All of the errors are coming up in Italian. I have no idea why that is - I live in Australia, it was bought in Australia, and the guy who built it didn’t speak Italian. However someone on a forum translated them to be USB errors. I tried a new laptop. And a new cable. But kept having these errors. Mind you, they didn’t come up every single print - but most of the time. The printer came with a spare Mega 2560 board. So I thought I’d install that. Well, it turns out I have no idea what settings to use in order to flash the firmware. I tried Repetier firmware with the default settings - no luck. I tried Marlin firmware, but couldn’t make sense of how to configure it correctly.
So I gave up on the new board and throught I’d reflow the solder on the USB connector on the old Mega board. Did that without a problem, but now I’m getting other errors in Repetier. I have no idea what they are related to.
I’m just about ready to give up on this thing. I’m hoping someone can steer me in the right direction, because I certainly don’t want to flush the $1,000 down the drain (not to mention my wife will kill me). The prints that I was able to complete in between issues came out pretty good, so I REALLY want to get this thing going again.
I think he already tried that.
Hope so, at least… ;))[/quote]
Yes, Repetier has been set to English - and the whole user interface is in English - it’s just the errors showing up in the log that are in Italian. My guess is this is the firmware reporting the errors in Italian…?
Will give you an update on the errors I’m getting when I get home.
I think he already tried that.
Hope so, at least… ;))[/quote]
Yes, Repetier has been set to English - and the whole user interface is in English - it’s just the errors showing up in the log that are in Italian. My guess is this is the firmware reporting the errors in Italian…?
Will give you an update on the errors I’m getting when I get home.[/quote]
Maybe someone made the Marlin files with italian set as language.
I just recently got an update to repetier host 1.5.0.
I’d suggest to download and install that.
Then go to the velleman k8200 site and download the Marlin sources from there.
Use Arduino 1.0.6 to recompile and flash it to your printer.
That should get rid of most of your problems but at least the one with the error messages.
[quote]I’m just about ready to give up on this thing. I’m hoping someone can steer me in the right direction, because I certainly don’t want to flush the $1,000 down the drain (not to mention my wife will kill me).[/quote]The beauty of these 3D printers is that a lot of people know how it’s built and how to fix it. And if any part is broken, it can be replaced.
Maybe you can post the actual errors (1:1), so we can read and interpret them
Sorry guys - in my frustrated haste I forgot to give you the important info. I’ve included the Italian errors below. This weekend I will attempt to flash the Marlin firmware from the Velleman website onto the new board. (I had previously downloaded Marlin from github and that’s where I had the problems trying to configure the firmware.) I’ll also rewire the power supply to the board and report back.
Italian errors:
Error:Il Numero della Linea non corrisponde al Numero dell’Ultima Linea+1, Ultima Linea: 229
(this just repeats on down the Repetier log).
Just to clarify Tag - if I could return it, I probably would. But it was working when I purchased it. The $1,000 includes the printer ($700) with a lot of spare boards and parts, plus other supplies ($100 for a new power supply, $150 for rolls of filament, and other small bits and pieces.)
Connection settings are as you have listed them Christian.
Ok here’s the latest. I flashed the Marlin firmware (v1) from the Velleman K8200 website. I assumed this wouldn’t need any configuration. Then I reinstalled the Velleman custom Repetier-Host software (v0.95). Connection between the PC and the prInter was successful, however the fan and heated bed were reversed (when I turned on the fan, the heated bed turned on and vice versa). So I uninstalled that version of Repetier-Host and replaced it with Repetier-Host v1.5.2 and Repetier-Server from the Repetier website. Both of those had the fan/heated bed reversed as well. When I try to manually control the printer, both the left and right X-axis buttons make the bed move right. Both Y- and Z-axis buttons have no apparent affect, and hitting X-axis home caused the bed to move all the way right (opposite direction of home) and smash into the right end until I cut the power.
Then I flashed the Velleman Marlin (v2.1.1) firmware and found the exact same issues.
Only thing I can think is that when I flashed the firmware I didn’t jump the JPROG pins like the instructions said as I couldn’t find which pins to jump…
[quote=“ichbinsnur”]Without shorting the JPROG pins you can’t ulpoad any software at all!
The JPROG pins are the 2 pins closest to the usb port.
They MUST be connected all the time while flashing.
I believe that is the main cause off all your problems.
You didn’t flash any firmware at all before …[/quote]
Clearly a n00b mistake. Seems I assumed the firmware upload worked as Ardunio IDE reported ‘Upload Done’ after each try. Are you saying that this ain’t the case?
Can you confirm these two pins are the ones I should jump while uploading the firmware…?
Sorry, i thought we were talking about the Original K8200/3drag controller.
The board you have ther is an Arduino Mega.
There is no JPROG jumper on that.
But, if you don’t use the Velleman controller you would have to seriously tweak the marlin firmware to
get it running on there.
What controller board do you use with the mega?
I’d suggest, for a beginner, to stick with the original controller first.
Sorry mate, as I said, I bought it used. This is my first entry into 3D printers, or Arduino of any kind, so I’m not up on the terminology or anything else related to it really. How can I find out what parts I have so I can answer your query? I do know I have two Arduino Mega 2560 boards. One came installed on the printer (I re flowed the solder on that one) and the second which I have since installed was brand new and sealed in a packet.
I’m happy to tweak a config file to get it working - however the guides I have found are either not dumbed-down enough for me to follow (read: missing steps) or seem to relate to older versions. Hence me being stuck at the corner of frustrated and nearly ready to give up
Hey dislegal, sorry, but i think you got really screwed by the seller of your printer.
Vel337 is right, the board is useless, the Processor is unsoldered.
I couldn’t identify the board that is currently stuck to your printer.
Can be a Ramps, or Rambo type or something similar.
That won’t work with the Velleman firmware.
As you stated you are a beginner in 3d printig, i’d suggest you to get a new 3drag/k8200 controller board.
That will make things a lot easier for you to start.
And it will be easier to help you troubleshoot other possibly upcoming issues too.
If you’re willing to get a new controller, i’m sure your printer will be up and running soon.