My prints are not coming out well

After a lot of struggle I have finally got my printer to actually do some printing. I’ve had trouble with distances to the thermal bed and will probably buy a mirror tomorrow to ensure a flat surface.

Today I tried to print the drivercover that you are supposed to print in the K8200 tutorial. I looked ok at the start (after a lot of tweaking getting the printer to work in the first place) but shortly after the printer screwed it up.

jpg images

As you can see here something is clearly not working as well. Any ideas?

I would like to add the the entire print looks crap in general, as if it’s not getting enough plastic or something alike.

Set all of the drivers to 0.55
Extruder temp 190C
Check the screw that holds the small gear on the extruder make sure it’s tight.
Make sure the Small gear and large gear are not to close together.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Set all of the drivers to 0.55
Extruder temp 190C
Check the screw that holds the small gear on the extruder make sure it’s tight.
Make sure the Small gear and large gear are not to close together.[/quote]
The steppers are all on 0.55, the extruder is on 190C. There gears have no excess friction nor loose components.

Have you got the tension spring set to loose or to tight?
Have you tried a different roll of filament?

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Have you got the tension spring set to loose or to tight?
Have you tried a different roll of filament?[/quote]

I’m not really sure, it seems to pull just fine now though. I’ve tried different tensions. I do not have other rolls of filament I am afraid. I’ve got fark blue PLA.

PLA has kind of a faint sweet smell to when it’s melting.
ABS has a burning plastic smell to it when it’s melting.
Is this Velleman filament or some other brand?

I have heard of some companies mixing the two.

You could start your print again and slowly increase the temp on the extruder and watch the flow.
I don’t think I would go over 220C

This is just a suggestion.