The "y-axis_cable_bridge_5mm_extended_and_higher.stl’ was exactly what was needed. Thanks for making the changes.
The "y-axis_cable_bridge_5mm_extended_and_higher.stl’ was exactly what was needed. Thanks for making the changes.
I have a short question. How exactly can I change the settings in Configuration.h?
I couldnt find a manual on how to do this. Can you help me out there? Or do you have a link for a manual?
Best regards,
The easy way is in Repetier Host > Config> Firmware EEPROM Configuration
or you can compile to firmware, check here here
Thanks i will try that when my ball screw arrives.
Best regards,
Can you share the stl file for your fan nozzle? Looks like an interesting solution in combination with a LED ring.
The fan nozzle is not perfect. I have to make a couple of changes.
Here is the current state.